People Perform On the Job, Not Resumes!
Recruiting software vendors are selling a ‘big lie’. Words in resumes so not accurately predict future on the job performance. Here is why ….
Effective Business Coaching: What Does It Take
Today, according to Internet marketing experts, you can become a business coach by simply posting content on the Internet. But effective business coaching takes more than this. You need to be able to ‘fit’ the needs of the person being coached. Find out what is involved in maximizing that fit. Use the supplied checklist to dramatically improve your business coach selection decisions.
The Key to Staff Engagement: Performance Contracting, Not Performance Appraisal
Staff satisfaction survey after survey all disclose the same thing: – staff dislike performance appraisal and consideration ineffective. Is there an alternative? Yes ==> performance contracting.
Social Intelligence for Business Coaches
Decades of research have show that managerial \ leadership effectiveness is highly correlated with self-awareness and social intelligence. But just what does it mean to be socially intelligent?
A Manager’s Short Guide to Resistance to Change
When people resist change, they are being ‘personally smart”. Change leaders need to understand the reasons why this is so in over to overcome it.
The Contradictions in Corporate Training
If you are an organizational leader you cannot afford to waste your training dollars. You need to understand that the university education model is not a good guide to creating and delivering corporate training.